Avatars and Signatures: Guidelines and How-Tos
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Avatars and Signatures: Guidelines and How-Tos
Hi Everyone,
Whether you are new to forums or a seasoned pro, please take a moment to review these Avatar and Signature Guideline and How-To sections so that we all start on the same page.
Avatar Guidelines:
An avatar is an image that appears near your username in all the posts you have submitted.
It is the visual representation of yourself online, so be creative and have some fun with it!
To keep page loading speeds up (and help our members with slower internet connections):
Please select or upload / add an avatar that is a static image / design (not an animated image or .gif).
If you chose to upload and/or add an avatar by URL, please note:
You must be the original copyright holder of any uploaded avatar image.
(That is, the avatar must be your own photo and/or graphic design.)
For more information, check out the Sac Volvo Club Photo-Video Policy:
Avatar How-To:
Avatars can be set by clicking the profile button in the top menu (you must be logged in).
Some notes about the different options:
-"Create my avatar"- This option re-directs you to a website that requires a flash plug-in.
If you choose this option, please make sure your flash player is up-to-date.
-"Upload an avatar from your computer"- This option may (or may not) utilize forum storage space...
-"Upload an avatar from a URL"- Preferred method to add your own custom avatar to the forum.
When you have finished creating and resizing your avatar, host it online (ServImg, etc.) and copy and paste the URL code into this field.
ServImg is the photo host associated with Forumotion / this Forum.
The ServImg account should be the same as your Sac Volvo Club Forum account (same e-mail and password):
Link to ServImg:
For more information about ServImg, see this topic:
[Note: You may need to host / post a photo to a topic before your Sac Volvo Club Forum ServImg Account gets created.]
-"Link to an off-site Avatar"-
-"Select your Avatar from our Gallery"- Preferred method to add avatar already uploaded in Forumotion galleries.
Categories include: animals, smilies, engines, etc. Note that there are a couple Volvo options in the engine category.
Signature Guidelines:
Signatures are an extra piece of text that you can choose to add under each of your posts to identify more about you and your cars and will appear under a line as you can see with my example below (at the bottom of this post).
Signature text is limited to 500 characters.
The VCOA Forum Rules Section of the Sac Volvo Club Classified-Forum Policy does NOT allow images in signatures and contains the following rules:
Also note the VCOA Forum Rules regarding Advertising and Affiliate Links:
Sac Volvo Club Classified-Forum Policy Forum Post link:
Direct link to the VCOA Forum Rules:
Signature How-To:
Signatures can also be set by clicking on the profile button in the top menu (you must be logged in).
Related Forumotion Help Topic:
for reading this post and making this forum a nice place to be!
See you on the board!
Take care,
1-31-2018: Forum Avatar and Signature Profile Screenshots Updated
#policy #rules #how-to #avatar #signature
Whether you are new to forums or a seasoned pro, please take a moment to review these Avatar and Signature Guideline and How-To sections so that we all start on the same page.
Avatar Guidelines:
An avatar is an image that appears near your username in all the posts you have submitted.
It is the visual representation of yourself online, so be creative and have some fun with it!
To keep page loading speeds up (and help our members with slower internet connections):
Please select or upload / add an avatar that is a static image / design (not an animated image or .gif).
If you chose to upload and/or add an avatar by URL, please note:
You must be the original copyright holder of any uploaded avatar image.
(That is, the avatar must be your own photo and/or graphic design.)
For more information, check out the Sac Volvo Club Photo-Video Policy:
Forumotion Avatar Guidelines wrote:Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width cannot exceed 150 pixels, the height cannot exceed 150 pixels, and the file size cannot be higher than 64 KB.
Example of max avatar size (150 pixels wide by 150 pixels tall):
My avatar, the photo of the VCOA badge on my 244 grille, is 145 pixels wide by 109 pixels tall.
Avatar How-To:
Avatars can be set by clicking the profile button in the top menu (you must be logged in).
Some notes about the different options:
-"Create my avatar"- This option re-directs you to a website that requires a flash plug-in.
If you choose this option, please make sure your flash player is up-to-date.
-"Upload an avatar from your computer"- This option may (or may not) utilize forum storage space...
-"Upload an avatar from a URL"- Preferred method to add your own custom avatar to the forum.
When you have finished creating and resizing your avatar, host it online (ServImg, etc.) and copy and paste the URL code into this field.
ServImg is the photo host associated with Forumotion / this Forum.
The ServImg account should be the same as your Sac Volvo Club Forum account (same e-mail and password):
Link to ServImg:
For more information about ServImg, see this topic:
[Note: You may need to host / post a photo to a topic before your Sac Volvo Club Forum ServImg Account gets created.]
-"Link to an off-site Avatar"-
http://help.forumotion.com/t3341-your-profile-avatar-signature#18913Forumotion Help Forum wrote:Beware of images wich are under copyright. It's also highly recommended to re-host all images on your own image-hosting service (ServImg or Photobucket for example), as you'd otherwise use the bandwith of the server that contains the original picture - this would be illegal!!
-"Select your Avatar from our Gallery"- Preferred method to add avatar already uploaded in Forumotion galleries.
Categories include: animals, smilies, engines, etc. Note that there are a couple Volvo options in the engine category.
Signature Guidelines:
Signatures are an extra piece of text that you can choose to add under each of your posts to identify more about you and your cars and will appear under a line as you can see with my example below (at the bottom of this post).
Signature text is limited to 500 characters.
The VCOA Forum Rules Section of the Sac Volvo Club Classified-Forum Policy does NOT allow images in signatures and contains the following rules:
VCOA wrote:Signatures:
Must be setup in your Profile (user Control Panel) , and not manually added to your messages.
May NOT contain any images.
May not contain any pricing, sales, product etc. details.
May contain a maximum of two smilies.
May include two clickable links. URL's or mailto: - No duplicate links
Only exact URLs allowed ie not LOOK HERE - No tiny url, affiliate links etc either, only exact, literal URLs
May include two colors. Hyperlink color is set by the system and is not counted as a color.
Maximum font size cannot be larger than normal.
Must be kept to a maximum of four lines (at 1024 resolution).
May not contain links to other threads or posts for the purpose of self promotion
Any signature or avatar that is offensive or insulting to either us, our members, or our staff, are prohibited and will be removed.
We reserve the right to ask you to change and/or remove your signature or avatar at any time, for any reason.
Also note the VCOA Forum Rules regarding Advertising and Affiliate Links:
VCOA wrote:
General Forum Etiquette:
Do not link to any site that contains adult content, sexually oriented material or might otherwise be considered offensive. Any post containing an inappropriate link will be deleted and the poster will receive a warning.
No affiliate links to be posted, anywhere on our forum.
At all times:
Keep all commentary civil, and be courteous at all times. Constructive criticism is welcome, but insults directed towards other users or the site admins will not be tolerated. Coarse/insulting language will not be tolerated.
No commercial advertising is permitted.
When recommending a product to help a user solve their issue, you must disclose any affiliations you may have with the company or group that manufacturers or supplies that particular product. This includes, but is not limited to: any paid or non-paid relationships past or present, receiving any promotional products or services, or any other similar information.
Any posts deemed to be self promotion, advertising, or spam can and will be removed. NO SPAM - NO ADVERTISING eg. Posting and making excessive, inappropriate and unnecessary references to your products and websites is self promotion.
If you feel a post violates any of these rules, or you need to bring it to the attention of a moderator (move threads/close/split), please use the ‘report this post’ link to notify the moderators.
Sac Volvo Club Classified-Forum Policy Forum Post link:
Direct link to the VCOA Forum Rules:
Signature How-To:
Signatures can also be set by clicking on the profile button in the top menu (you must be logged in).
No matter how cool it is or how long you worked on it, if you use an avatar or signature that does not meet these guidelines and/or follow Sac Volvo Club Policy, we reserve the right to delete it without notice.
Related Forumotion Help Topic:
for reading this post and making this forum a nice place to be!
See you on the board!
Take care,
1-31-2018: Forum Avatar and Signature Profile Screenshots Updated
#policy #rules #how-to #avatar #signature
volvie!- Admin
- Posts : 482
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