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May 24-26, 2012: (SVS) Sacramento Volvo Service Open House/Garage Sale

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May 24-26, 2012: (SVS) Sacramento Volvo Service Open House/Garage Sale Empty May 24-26, 2012: (SVS) Sacramento Volvo Service Open House/Garage Sale

Post by volvie! Mon May 21, 2012 3:39 pm

Event Links:
(SVS) Sacramento Volvo Service:

Meeting Location:
SVS Muffler Shop
2542-B Tower Ave
Sacramento, CA 95825

Google Map (will open in new tab / window):

Date / Time:
Thursday, May 24 - Saturday, May 26, 2012
8A - 5P (regular business hours)

Contact for information / questions:
steve at svsmuffler dot com


Event Details:
Turbobricks Forum Topics (selected highlights):
We are selling off all of our warehouse stockpile. We have some extremely rare NIB parts from Volvo and other manufacturers that you cannot find anywhere else. These parts have been collected over the past 30 years of our shop being open. There is literally something for everyone here.

We are opening our warehouse for everyone to walk though and shop Memorial Day weekend (Thurs-Sat only) May 24th-26th.

Please meet/park at my shop, our warehouse is right across the street from me.

SVS Muffler Shop
2542-B Tower Ave
Sacramento, CA 95825

Google Map (will open in new tab / window):

I will be posting pictures and videos of parts as everything gets more organized and laid out to see. There are literally thousands of parts here for sale.

We decided that we will be shipping some parts to those of you interested that won't be able to make it to the event.

Please inquire about specific parts via email. steve at svsmuffler dot com


Here is the initial walk through video of the warehouse without all of the stuff that really matters.

Bump. This is happening this weekend. I will post some more walk-through vids today and tomorrow. Please PM me with any specific part you might be after, or email me at my shop steve at svsmuffler dot com

Somewhat organized now. I took a ton of pics so please look carefully through them to see if there's anything you could use. Let me know.


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Last edited by volvie! on Tue May 22, 2012 11:18 am; edited 4 times in total

Posts : 482

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May 24-26, 2012: (SVS) Sacramento Volvo Service Open House/Garage Sale Empty Re: May 24-26, 2012: (SVS) Sacramento Volvo Service Open House/Garage Sale

Post by volvie! Mon May 21, 2012 3:59 pm


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May 24-26, 2012: (SVS) Sacramento Volvo Service Open House/Garage Sale Img20120521115615


Posts : 482

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