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SacVCOA Events on GGVCOA Forum

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SacVCOA Events on GGVCOA Forum Empty SacVCOA Events on GGVCOA Forum

Post by volvie! Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:47 pm

Hi Everyone,

To facilitate collaboration and encourage dual-chapter attendance, the Sac Volvo Club now has a section at the Golden Gate Chapter VCOA Forum to discuss events, present and past!

Check it out:
New Blog-Style Forum on the GGVCOA re-designed blog/site:

Older Forum (that will be phased out in the near future):

The website has been re-designed and no longer supports the blog function. Additionally the GGVCOA no longer has a forum.
You can visit the GGVCOA website here:

Have an idea to facilitate communication between chapter/club members?
Let us know!

Take care,

Updated 5-12-2011 with new Sac blog link.
Edited 1-31-2013 with strike through font and GGVCOA website

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