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Survey: Sac Volvo Club Local Meet-Up Event Ideas

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Survey: Sac Volvo Club Local Meet-Up Event Ideas Empty Survey: Sac Volvo Club Local Meet-Up Event Ideas

Post by volvie! Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:31 pm

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are well and enjoying your summer!

The Sac Volvo Club Planning Committee thought it would be fun to seek member ideas for local meet-up events.

We created a short survey to better gather responses and respond to ideas.

Please take a moment to fill out the survey and share your suggestions!
(Created with Google Forms inside the Sac Volvo Club domain.)

This from is also featured on the Sac Volvo Club Home Page:

We look forward to reading your suggestions and seeing you at the first meet-up event!

Take care,

Posts : 482

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Survey: Sac Volvo Club Local Meet-Up Event Ideas Empty Re: Survey: Sac Volvo Club Local Meet-Up Event Ideas

Post by volvie! Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:30 pm

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to everyone that responded to the survey so far!

Our first Meet-Up Event was with Folsom Cars and Coffee in October 2016:

Since everyone's calendar is booked with family and Holiday events right now, please let us know your ideas for a January or February Meet-Up Event!

The survey is always open, so please keep those ideas coming!   nod

Looking forward to seeing you all at a local Meet-Up Event soon!

Take care,

Posts : 482

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