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November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party

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November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party Empty November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party

Post by volvie! Fri Jun 29, 2018 8:16 am

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are well!

Save the Sunday, November 25, 2018 date (first Sunday after Thanksgiving) for the 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party at the California Automobile Museum (CAM)!

Event details to be confirmed.

Watch the CAM website for full details:

For reference, the 2017 Event details can be found here:

Take care,

Posts : 482

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November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party Empty Re: November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party

Post by volvie! Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:46 am

Hi Everyone,

Follow and/or set personalized notifications / reminders for this event by adding it to your Calendar:

Sac Volvo Club Calendar:

Take care,

Posts : 482

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November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party Empty Re: November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party

Post by volvie! Wed Nov 07, 2018 11:53 am

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are well!

The details for the 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party at the California Automobile Museum have been confirmed.

Here is the latest:

Mark you calendars now to celebrate the holidays with us from 2:00 - 6:00P on November 25th at the California Automobile Museum!

Full Event Details:

A message from Ken Rothaus, SacVCOA Planning Committee:

You are invited to join us for the Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party at the California Automobile Museum on Sunday, November 25, 2018 from 2:00P – 6:00P.

The California Automobile Museum celebrates the holidays with a Tree Trimming Party and Potluck Dinner on the first Sunday after Thanksgiving.

I will provide the tree, you provide the trimmings (such as a postcard sized photo of your Volvo with a hole punched into it to hang on the tree) and bring one cold side dish, salad, or dessert potluck item to share! The museum will provide the main course (smoked or barbecued chicken), complimentary coffee, and a cash bar.

Please RSVP by Friday, November 16, 2018 for the Holiday Party.

See you there rain or shine!

Meeting Location:
California Automobile Museum
2200 Front Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 442-6802

Google Map (will open in new tab/window):

Sunday, November 25, 2018

2:00P - 6:00P

TBD by potluck & tree trimming choices, but you will need to cover your own costs.

Items to bring:
-Tree trimmings (such as a postcard sized photo of your Volvo with a hole punched into it to hang on the tree)
-One cold side dish, salad, or dessert potluck item to share

Event Flyer:

SacVCOAFlyerHolidayParty_November18 (Google Doc at Google Drive):

Preview available on the website here:

Reply to this post.
Or, Contact Us:
And, your message will be forwarded to Ken Rothaus, Event Coordinator

Looking forward to seeing you all on November 25th!

Take care,

Posts : 482

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November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party Empty Re: November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party

Post by volvie! Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:36 pm

Hi Everyone,

Follow and/or set personalized notifications / reminders for this event by adding it to your Calendar and/or Facebook Events:

Sac Volvo Club Calendar (11-16-2018 RSVP Reminder):

Sac Volvo Club Calendar (11-25-2018 Event Information):

Sac Volvo Club Event Facebook Page (RSVP and/or join the discussion):

Take care,

Posts : 482

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November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party Empty Re: November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party

Post by volvie! Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:16 pm

Hi Everyone,

Here is a reminder for this Sunday's Car Club Potluck & Tree Trim from Adam Vargyas at the California Automobile Museum:

CAM wrote:Hi Car Club Members,

If you're receiving this e-mail, you have RSVP'd for this Sunday's Car Club Tree Trim and Potluck. We're looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Tree decorating will begin at 2:00, and the potluck will start around 4:00. The Museum will provide a main course for the potluck.

As much as possible, please encourage your club members to bring cold or room-temperature side dishes and desserts. We have lots of counter space and fridge space. You may bring hot dishes, but they MUST be in self-contained, self-heating containers (such as Crockpots). We have enough outlets, but can not provide oven space to keep food warm while trees are being decorated.

Each club provides its own tree.  Trees must be artificial, and electrical lights may not be used on the trees, due to the challenge of running the cords to the power outlets. At the registration tables, there will be a map of available spots for clubs to place their tree.

The Museum will provide complimentary coffee and water, and we'll have beer and wine available for purchase.

Each club is encouraged to participate in the fun by bringing one or more door prizes.  Raffle tickets will be sold to cover the Museum’s actual costs for this event and, hopefully, some extra money will be raised for the Museum’s operating budget.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this event, otherwise, we'll see you Sunday!

Adam Vargyas


Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and have a great time at the event this Sunday!

Take care,

Posts : 482

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November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party Empty Re: November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party

Post by volvie! Tue Dec 11, 2018 11:57 am

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are well!

Event Kudos:

Ken Rothaus:
Thank you for coordinating this events!

California Automobile Museum:
Thank you for hosting the holiday party!

Adam Vargyas:
Thank you for inviting the Sac Volvo Club!

We look forward to seeing you all at the next event!

Take care,

Posts : 482

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November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party Empty Re: November 25, 2018: 2018 Sac Volvo Club Holiday Party

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