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December 3, 2016: Holiday / End of the Year Party (with GGVCOA)

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December 3, 2016: Holiday / End of the Year Party (with GGVCOA) Empty December 3, 2016: Holiday / End of the Year Party (with GGVCOA)

Post by volvie! Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:25 am

Hi Everyone,

A message from Gary and Helen Lodge:

The Golden Gate Volvo Club would like to invite all its members and also invite the Sacramento Volvo Club members to our Holiday/End of the Year party.
Please join us for all of the fun. We will provide the food.
We live in Concord so it should be an easy drive for both clubs.
So mark your calendar it is on December 3rd at 1:00PM to 4:00PM.

Please RSVP to We will reply with the address and directions to our house, if needed.

Looking forward to seeing you all on December 3rd!

Take care,

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